Portrait of Oskar Karlsson

Oskar Karlsson

SciLifeLab Fellow, Stockholm University

Key publications

High-content analysis shows synergistic effects of low perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOS) and perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOA) mixture concentrations on human breast epithelial cell carcinogenesis
Pierozan P, Kosnik M, Karlsson O

Adult Exposure to Di-N-Butyl Phthalate (DBP) Induces Persistent Effects on Testicular Cell Markers and Testosterone Biosynthesis in Mice.
Källsten L, Almamoun R, Pierozan P, Nylander E, Sdougkou K, Martin JW, Karlsson O.

Associations of prenatal exposure to mixtures of organochlorine pesticides and smoking and drinking behaviors in adolescence.
Dickerson AS, Deng Z, Ransome Y, Factor-Litvak P, Karlsson O.

Tumorigenic activity of alternative per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS): Mechanistic in vitro studies.
Pierozan P, Cattani D, Karlsson O.

Distinct genetic regions are associated with differential population susceptibility to chemical exposures.
Kosnik MB, Enroth S, Karlsson O.

Pesticide-induced multigenerational effects on amphibian reproduction and metabolism.
Karlsson O, Svanholm S, Eriksson A, Chidiac J, Eriksson J, Jernerén F, Berg C.

The human exposome and health in the Anthropocene.
Karlsson O, Rocklöv J, Lehoux AP, Bergquist J, Rutgersson A, Blunt MJ, Birnbaum LS.

SciLifeLab Fellow
Department of Environmental Science and Analytical Chemistry (ACES)
Stockholm University, Sweden

Research interests

Our research combines experimental model systems, computational toxicology, omics tools, and epidemiological research to study Gene-Environment interactions  and the influence of the exposome, including endocrine disrupting chemicals, pesticides, metals, and particulate air pollution, on wildlife and human health, and elucidate underlying molecular mechanisms. In particular, our research focuses on developmental origins of health and disease with an emphasis on the exposome and underlying molecular mechanisms.

The projects concern the effects of environmental exposures such as endocrine disrupting chemicals, flame retardants, pesticides, metals, particulate air pollution, temperature changes, as well as drugs, psycho-social stressors and ethnical disparities. Ongoing efforts include studies of paternal epigenetic inheritance. We are also focused on the development of New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) for performing chemical risk assessment.

Group members

For an updated list of group members, visit the Karlsson Laboratory website.



Last updated: 2024-07-01

Content Responsible: admin(website@scilifelab.se)