Research Interests
The Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics research group focuses on mathematical and statistical modeling, informatics and quantitative analysis of pharmacological systems. We develop methods, algorithms and software to study and model pharmaceutical interactions, and a key focus in the group is how artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning can aid the drug discovery process; e.g. in drug screening and when studying drug toxicity, metabolism and resistance. We combine in silico and in vitro experiments at the cellular level, and have access to a robotized high-content imaging lab connected to a modern IT-infrastructure to manage and analyze large-scale data. We are involved in several national and international consortia and have a tight connection to the pharmaceutical industry, Uppsala University Hospital, and Science for Life Laboratory.
Group members
Ola Spjuth, Professor
Jordi Carreras-Puigvert, Lecturer
Jonathan Alvarsson, Researcher
Maris Lapins, Researcher
Wesley Schaal, Researcher
Polina Georgiev, Researcher
Ernst Ahlberg, Guest Researcher
Ulf Norinder, Guest Researcher
Maria Andreina Francisco Rodriguez, Postdoc
Ebba Bergman, PhD Student
Jonne Rietdijk, PhD Student
Phil Harrison, PhD Student
Staffan Arvidsson, PhD Student
Martin Dahlö, PhD Student
Anders Larsson, Software Engineer
Morgan Ekmefjord, Software Engineer