My research interest is focused to the the underlying mechansims in carcinogenesis, identification of susceptibility genes for tumors in general and more recently for brain and endocrine (e.g pheochromocytoma) tumors. How genes and genetic variants contribute to cancer and can be used for targeted therapies represents a major activity. Our research is performed mainly on patient cohorts and novel susceptibility genes and genetic variants are investigated for functionality in cell culture models. A major aim is the development of biomarkers and diagnostic tools for individualized treatment and clinical use. The use of molecular genetic technologies has also expanded to other diseases and studies on genetic variation in inflammatory diseases and in an international collaboration on familial eye disorders to identify contributing susceptibility genes and genetic variants.
Group Members:
Malgorzata Lysiak, PhD
Åsa Schippert, BMA
Mouna Tababi, PhD
Hugo Rossitti, MD
Malgorzata Trybula, Pharm Sc
Annika Malmström, MD, PhD
Oliver Gimm, MD, PhD