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  2. Organizers
  3. The Svedberg Seminar Series

A more sustainable chemistry with elemental sulfur

Thanh Binh Nguyen Université Paris-Saclay, France LINK TO THE SEMINAR Abstract Facing a more and more rapid depletion of natural resources, one of the most challenging problems to be solved of modern organic chemistry is to develop reactions enabling access to target molecules from simple and readily available starting materials with higher efficiency in number […]

The Svedberg Seminar Series
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Statistical and machine learning techniques in microbiome research

Leo Lahti, from the University of Turku, Turku, Finland, will discuss contemporary topics in statistical analysis and machine learning related to microbiome research, with a specific emphasis on probabilistic latent variable models in understanding the individual and dynamic variation across the landscape of microbiome composition.

The Svedberg Seminar Series
Virtual Event Virtual Event

SciLifeLab The Svedberg seminar: Prof. Ehab Abouheif

Ehab Abouheif, from the Department of Biology, McGill University, Canada, will talk about Darwin’s invisible ink: The storage and release of ancestral genetic potential in complex biological systems.

The Svedberg Seminar Series
Virtual Event Virtual Event

SciLifeLab The Svedberg seminar: Ehab Abouheif

Prof. Ehab Abouheif, from the Department of Biology, McGill University, Canada, will talk about Darwin’s invisible ink: The storage and release of ancestral genetic potential in complex biological systems.

The Svedberg Seminar Series
Virtual Event Virtual Event

The Svedberg seminar series: Dr. Aviv Regev

Dr. Aviv Regev, from Genentech, USA will talk about Cell atlases as roadmaps in health and disease

The Svedberg Seminar Series
Online event via Zoom

The Svedberg seminar series: Assoc. Prof. Daniel Globisch

Associate Professor Daniel Globisch, SciLifeLab Fellow at Uppsala University / Dept. Chem - BMC, will talk about "Exploring Gut Microbiota Metabolism – Unique Chemical Biology Tools for Metabolomics".

The Svedberg Seminar Series
Online event via Zoom

The Svedberg seminar series: Prof. Ana Pombo

Ana Pombo, MDC Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology (BIMSB) , Humboldt University, Germany, will talk about "Functional specialization of 3D genome structures in brain cell types"

The Svedberg Seminar Series
Online event via Zoom

The Svedberg seminar series: Prof. Paolo Parini

Prof. Paolo Parini, from Karolinska University Hospital, will talk about: Network Medicine Approach to Atherosclerosis

The Svedberg Seminar Series
Online event via Zoom

Last updated: 2022-03-15

Content Responsible: Alice Sollazzo(alice.sollazzo@scilifelab.uu.se)