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  3. Clinical Talks

Clinical Talks: Playing your way to healthy life

On October 15, it’s our great pleasure to host Professor Emma Lundberg once again. This time she will focus her Talk on her innovative company Mindforce GameLab. With the Fig platform, patients can via gamification transform into “playtients”, people with medical conditions who enjoy playing games with a purpose to establish healthy habits. Fig guides […]

Clinical Talks
Online event via Zoom
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Clinical Talks: Writing the Future

Writing the Future On October 21, Dr. Emily Leproust will talk about her mission with co-founding Twist Bioscience, and how their revolutionary oligosynthesis plattform is writing the future with DNA.  Twist Bioscience’s innovative silicon-based DNA Synthesis Platform is empowering our customers to realise their research goals faster. Twist offers DNA synthesis at an unmatched scale and price point, […]

Clinical Talks
Online event via Zoom
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Clinical Talks: Blood-based methods for predicting the day of labor

On October 29, we will host a dual presentation with Dr. Ina Stelzer and Associate Professor Brice Gaudillière. At the Stanford School of Medicine Clinical Gaudillière laboratory, Ina and Brice have developed a groundbreaking multi-omics approach to track the maternal metabolome, proteome and immunome to predict exact labor onset. Estimating the time of delivery is […]

Clinical Talks
Online event via Zoom
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Clinical Talks: The road towards precision medicine in Sweden

On November 26, we will host Karolinska Institutet (KI) Professor Richard Rosenquist Brandell. In addition to his academic research and clinical work, he also co-founded the Genomic Medicine Sweden (GMS) initiative and serves as the Director of GMS. Richard will share his insights on Sweden’s national strategy to implement precision medicine into our healthcare environment […]

Clinical Talks
Online event via Zoom
Virtual Event Virtual Event

IMPRESS-Norway and implementing precision cancer medicine in Norway

On February 4, oncologist, and Head of Research at Division of Cancer Medicine at Oslo University Hospital Professor Åslaug Helland will give a talk about her mission with the clinical precision medicine study IMPRESS-Norway that she co-founded in 2021. She is also a Professor at the University of Oslo. Åslaug is the PI of the […]

Clinical Talks
Online event via Zoom

Spearheading the cardiovascular precision medicine with innovative medical tools

On February 18, we have invited Dr. Tero-Pekka Alastalo, to give a talk about his experience with co-founding the precision medicine company Blueprint Genetics in 2012. What started out as a technology development spinout from Stanford University, quickly grew to a global genetic testing company with >200 employees (acquired by Quest Diagnostics in 2020). With […]

Clinical Talks
Online event via Zoom

True precision medicine in immuno-oncology, challenges, and opportunities

On March 18, Uppsala University Associate Professor Sara Mangsbo will talk about how the future of cancer therapy is becoming personal. Sara co-founded Strike Pharma to further develop the Uppsala University and SciLifeLab Drug Discovery platform co-developed ADAC technology (Adaptable Drug Affinity Conjugates). With current diagnostic tools also, immunotherapy can and should enter the omics-field and the developed […]

Clinical Talks
Online event via Zoom

[Clinical Talks]Seeing is believing, unraveling the discovery of a centimeter-long macro-bacteria

On April 8, Dr. Jean-Marie Volland, Scientist at Berkeley Lab and Laboratory for Research in Complex Systems (LRC Systems), and Shailesh Date, CEO of LRC Systems (Adj. Assoc. Professor at UCSF),will talk about their recent discovery and characterization of the macro-bacteria Ca. Thiomargarita magnifica. The threadlike single-cell bacterium, commonly found in the Caribbean Mangroves, is […]

Clinical Talks
Online event via Zoom

[Clinical Talks] Introduction to AI-driven image analysis in pathology: from preclinical research to clinical diagnostics

Dr. Sami Blom leads Aiforia’s application development team with an ambition to build impactful image analysis solutions to advance histopathology. He has a background in the fields of translational cancer research and pathology and he has extensive expertise in staining and imaging methods for histology specimens. Dr. Blom joined Aiforia in 2016 to develop and […]

Clinical Talks
Online event via Zoom

[Clinical Talks] iCAN and developing a national precision cancer medicine program

On May 6, Professor Tomi Mäkelä at the University of Helsinki Faculty of Medicine will talk about his work as executive officer of the iCAN Digital Precision Cancer Medicine flagship. iCAN is one of the Academy of Finland national research and innovation flagships for 2019-2026, with the goal to develop a nucleus of scientific excellence […]

Clinical Talks
Online event via Zoom

Last updated: 2023-12-20

Content Responsible: David Gotthold(david.gotthold@scilifelab.se)