Mats Nilsson appointed Site Director for SciLifeLab in Stockholm
The Vice Chancellors of Karolinska Institutet, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Stockholm University have appointed Mats Nilsson Site Director for SciLifeLab in Stockholm. He started his duties 1 April 2014.
Mats Nilsson’s role will be to handle matters concerning the Stockholm node of SciLifeLab, such as the scientific environment.
“I want to make SciLifeLab in Stockholm an attractive place to work for top researchers from all over Sweden and internationally, and to be a good host for national SciLifeLab platforms. It is clear that this joint venture between different universities is quite attractive, as is evident by the very strong applications we recently received for the SciLifeLab fellows positions for young researchers,” says Mats Nilsson.
Mats Nilsson holds a PhD in medical genetics from Uppsala University and was recruited to SciLifeLab in 2012. He is Professor at the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics at Stockholm University. His research focuses on molecular analytics with the aim to improve diagnostic tools for infectious diseases and cancer. Mats Nilsson will continue his research for 50% of his time while acting as Site Director at SciLifeLab in Stockholm for 50%.
Fredrik Sterky will continue as Site Manager for SciLifeLab in Stockholm, focusing on administration of the Alfa and Gamma buildings and Mathias Uhlén will continue as Centre Director with focus on the national center as a whole. Mats Nilsson and Fredrik Sterky report to the Stockholm steering group while Mathias Uhlén reports to the board of SciLifeLab.