Ancient genomes link early Iberian farmers to Basques

An international team led by researchers at SciLifeLab/Uppsala University reports a surprising discovery from the genomes of eight Iberian Stone-Age farmer remains. The analyses revealed that early Iberian farmers are the closest ancestors to modern-day Basques, in contrast previous hypotheses that linked Basques to earlier pre-farming groups.

“Our results show that the Basques trace their ancestry to early farming groups from Iberia, which contradicts previous views of them being a remnant population that trace their ancestry to Mesolithic hunter-gatherer groups,” says Prof. Mattias Jakobsson at SciLifeLab/Uppsala University, who headed the study.

The team could also demonstrate that farming was brought to Iberia by the same/similar groups that migrated to northern and central Europe and that the incoming farmers admixed with local, Iberian hunter-gather groups, a process that continued for at least 2 millennia.

The study was published September 7, ahead of print, in the leading scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, PNAS.

Read the full press release at Uppsala University


Last updated: 2015-09-08

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