
Infrastructure Unit

Recent user publications

The publications in this database are the result of research conducted at the units of SciLifeLab – both in user projects and technology development.


Gunnar von Heijne, Platform Scientific Advisor
Marta Carroni, Platform Director
Linda Sandblad, Platform Scientific Director


Marta Carroni, Head of Unit
Karin Wallden
Dustin Morado
Stefan Fleischmann
Mathieu Coinçon


Michael Hall, Head of Unit
Erin Schexnaydre
Johan Unge
Sara Sandin
Agnieszka Ziolkowska
Hussein Haggag
Tanvir Shaikh

National screening network

Daniel Larsson, Uppsala University
Jens Berndtsson, University of Gothenburg
Anu Tyagi, Lund University

National image processing support (associated with NBIS)

Piotr Draczkowski
Tim Schulte


The Cryo-EM Swedish Infrastructure Unit offers access to state-of-the-art equipment and expertise in single particle cryo-EM and cryo-tomography (cryo-ET). The Unit has two nodes: at SciLifeLab in Stockholm and at Umeå Core Unit for Electron Microscopy at Umeå University. Our aim is to provide:

  • An internationally competitive infrastructure that is accessible to all academic scientists in Sweden on equal terms.
  • A training environment where researchers can become familiar with cutting-edge methods in cryo-EM.
  • An educational framework of scientific meetings, practical workshops and training courses to enhance the activity of the broad Swedish scientific community.

The Unit is supported by SciLifeLab, the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, the Family Erling Persson Foundation, the Kempe Foundations, Stockholm University and Umeå University.


The unit provides service and user training for all aspects of cryo-EM projects, including project planning, sample preparation, screening, data collection and data analysis.

The Solna node offers single-particle cryo-EM, micro-ED and cryo-ET of plunge-frozen samples, using a Talos Arctica for sample optimization/data acquisition and two Titan Krioses for high-resolution data collection. The Stockholm node also offers a bi-weekly drop-in service for help with image processing.  

The Umeå node offers single-particle cryo-EM and cryo-ET of plunge-frozen samples with a Titan Krios, Focused Ion Beam (FIB) lamellae preparation for cryo-ET with an Aquilos DualBeam SEM and sample optimization support with a Talos L120. The Umeå node also offers a number of other TEM and SEM applications and sample preparation support, e.g. high pressure freezing, cryo-CLEM, for which further information can be found here:


Using the Application Portal, the units can be accessed by Swedish researchers through a peer-reviewed routine. Two types of applications are available: Rapid Access (RA) and BAG (Block Allocation Group). RA applications can be submitted at any time, they are evaluated for technical feasibility and allocated time in the next quarter. BAG applications are evaluated once a year by a national Project Evaluation Committee, based on their scientific merit and technical feasibility. After signing up in the application portal, you can also register in our EM-Hub facility management platform where you can book time and track your projects and samples.

CryoScreeNET – National Screening Network

In order to increase the screening capacity of the unit, reach out to a larger number of researchers and train new cryo-EM experts in Sweden, we have initiated in 2021 a National Screening Network involving Uppsala, Gothenburg, Lund universities and KI. One person, partially funded by SciLifeLab, is employed at each host site to work as a reference point for local researchers interested in using cryo-EM techniques. The new off-site colleagues help newcomers in the first phase of the projects, involving specimen preparation and optimisation, screening at the local microscopes or at our Stockholm and Umeå instruments as well as help with image processing. The new off-site colleagues are trained in more advanced microscope operations at the unit and participate to courses and teaching experiences with the staff at Umeå and Stockholm. 

NBIS Bioinformatics Cryo-EM Support Peer Review track (WABI)

The NBIS Bioinformatics Support Peer Review track (WABI) strives to enable excellent and Data-Driven Life Science, by ensuring that peer-reviewed research projects have access to advanced bioinformatics and data science competence. The idea is simple: A senior bioinformatician will work in your project 500 hours for free! Hands-on involvement by the applying research group is required to ensure efficient knowledge transfer.

Applications for NBIS Peer Review Bioinformatics Support track are evaluated approximately every 4th month. Applications can be registered anytime, but projects are peer-reviewed only in January, May and October of each year.

This free NBIS Bioinformatics Support Peer Review track (WABI) is enabled and financed by the SciLifeLab & Wallenberg Data Driven Life Science Program and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.

Drop-in Service

We offer a biweekly Drop-In Service to help you with data processing and/or to discuss your to-be EM projects. We are available for counselling either in person of via Skype/Zoom. Just contact us at or register and book one-hour slot in this EM-Hub calendar.


Stockholm node

  • Titan Krios G2, equipped with a Ceta CMOS, a Falcon III and Gatan K3 BioQuantum electron detectors and a Volta phase plate
  • Titan Krios G3i, equipped with a Ceta-D camera and a Gatan K3 BioQuantum detector
  • Talos Arctica equipped with Falcon III, Gatan K2 and Ceta CMOS with EPU-D for diffraction
  • Chameleon sample freezer with possibility to modify parameters for special sample-preparation protocols
  • Leica Cryo Thunder with Primo micropatterning system coming soon!

Umeå node

  • Titan Krios G2 Cryo-TEM, equipped with a Ceta CMOS and Falcon 4i Selectris electron detectors and EPU Multigrid
  • Glacios Cryo-TEM, equipped with a Ceta-D CMOS and Falcon 4i electron detectors and EPU Multigrid
  • Talos L120C, equipped with Ceta CMOS detector
  • Aquilos DualBeam FIB-SEM, equipped with Trinity T1/T2, ET-SE, ICE, DBS, CCD, Nav-Cam detectors
  • Leica Cryo Thunder, wide-field light microscope, for imaging of cryo-EM grids, cryo objective (0.28 mm, 50x/0.9), sCMOS camera, multiple filter sets (DAPI, GFP, TXR)

Stockholm Node

Mailing Address

Cryo-EM, Gamma 2
Box 1031
171 21 Solna

Visiting Address/Deliveries

Cryo-EM, Gamma 2
Tomtebodavägen 23A
171 21 Solna

Umeå Node

Mailing Address

Umeå Centre for Electron Microscopy (UCEM)
Department of Chemistry
Umeå University
907 87 Umeå, Sweden

Visiting Address/Deliveries

Umeå Centre for Electron Microscopy (UCEM)
Chemical Biological Centre (KBC) Building
Umeå University
Linnaeus väg 6
907 36 Umeå, Sweden

Last updated: 2024-06-18

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