
Innovation initiatives

SciLifeLab actively supports innovation through a number of initiatives.

Proof of Concept Grant in Life Science

The purpose of the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation and SciLifeLab Proof of Concept grant is to bridge the gap from academic research to innovations in life science. The grant gives researchers the opportunity to develop their early-stage discoveries towards validated methods, products or processes and  provides the opportunity to carry out activities that validate and accelerate the development of the project and prepare for innovation and commercialization.

Translating academic drug discovery projects

The drug discovery and development platform (DDD) platform makes use of fundamental academic research discoveries across the country and validates these as drug discovery targets and creates lead molecules that would provide attractive future investment as opportunities within the private sector. Read more about the Drug Discovery and Development platform exits.

Innovation coaching

A SciLifeLab initiative to promote and support development of life science ideas for commercialisation.

SciLifeLab Innovations -Pharma & Biotech

National drug discovery collaboration.

A three party collboration with the principal investigator at the university, SciLifeLab Drug Discovery and Development Platform and the innovation support system facilitating the discovery of new pharma and biotech therapeutics.

Last updated: 2024-04-15

Content Responsible: Josefin Lundgren Gawell(