Events and courses

Bringing life science professionals together and furthering skills in the scientific community are in SciLifeLab’s DNA. Our many events and courses, which span a wide range of topics, present opportunities to develop your know-how and share your own experiences and network – sparking new ideas, as well as new collaborations. 


If you are part of the SciLifeLab community, you can submit an event to this calendar.

  1. Events
  2. Event

Genomics, Imaging and AI – three technologies which are changing biological research and clinical practice

Prof. Ewan Birney is Deputy Director General of EMBL and Joint Director of EMBL-EBI. Prof. Birney will come to Stockholm to give a talk on Jan 15 from 15:00 to 16:00 at Biomedicum, KI Campus Solna. Come and listen to an exciting talk about the next steps in medical research! Jan 15 at 15:00 - […]

Eva & Georg Klein lecture hall, Biomedicum, Karolinska Institutet, Solnavägen 9, Solna Solnavägen 9, Solna

Opening of the Lightsheet 7 at the Centre for Cellular Imaging

The Centre for Cellular Imaging is pleased to announce the purchase and installation of the Lightsheet 7 fluorescence microscopemicroscope. Light sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) uses a thin sheet of light to excite only fluorophores within the focal volume. It is ideal for fast and gentle imaging of whole living model organisms, tissues, and cells as […]

Centre for Cellular Imaging, Univ. of Gothenburg
Birgit Thilander Lecture Hall Medicinaregatan 3, Göteborg

Drug discovery & development possibilities for industry at SciLifeLab NMR unit and MAX IV BioMAX beamline

Welcome to this webinar directed to life science companies and researchers in drug discovery and development. Learn about support available from Swedish research infrastructures. Gain insights from companies that have used the NMR units at SciLifeLab and the BioMAX beamline at MAX IV Laboratory for their drug discovery and development projects. Break out rooms for […]

Online event via Zoom
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Complex Diseases Conference

Precision health around the corner – deciphering complex diseases It is our pleasure to announce the second conference for Genomic Medicine Sweden (GMS) – Complex Diseases. The event aims at bringing together researchers and clinicians to accelerate the clinical implementation of precision medicine of complex diseases. The meeting is open to everyone with professional interest […]

Genomic Medicine Sweden (GMS)
Wenner-Gren Center Sveavägen 166, Stockholm, Sweden

From human population variation to ligand binding sites via SARS-CoV-2

Talk by Geoff Barton, Professor of Bioinformatics and Head of Division of Computational Biology School of Life Sciences University of Dundee, Dundee, Scotland, UK. Title From human population variation to ligand binding sites via SARS-CoV-2 Abstract In this talk I will present an analysis that compares publicly available variation data for human with variation seen […]

Air&Fire, SciLifeLab Stockholm Tomtebodavägen 23A, Solna, Sweden

Practical intro to GPU programming in Python and Julia

This event is part of the Tools for AI/ML research in life sciences event series arranged by the SciLifeLab Data Centre. This webinar is organized in collaboration with the EuroHPC National Competence Centre Sweden (ENCCS) as well as the National Supercomputer Centre, LiU. Title: Practical intro to GPU programming in Python & Julia Speaker: Yonglei […]

SciLifeLab Data Centre
Online event via Zoom
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Launch of the SciLifeLab Training Portal

The Training Hub presents the SciLifeLab Training Portal, a one-stop-shop to find training opportunities and support for training delivery. Jessica Lindvall and Nina Norgren (SciLifeLab Training Hub) will introduce Sweden's new national training portal to the life science community, followed by a mingle with light refreshments. Join in person (Campus Solna) or the livestream to […]

Training Hub
Gamma 2 Lunchroom SciLifeLab, Tomtebodavägen 23, Solna, Sweden

Last updated: 2024-08-29

Content Responsible: Erika Erkstam(