Events and courses

Bringing life science professionals together and furthering skills in the scientific community are in SciLifeLab’s DNA. Our many events and courses, which span a wide range of topics, present opportunities to develop your know-how and share your own experiences and network – sparking new ideas, as well as new collaborations. 


If you are part of the SciLifeLab community, you can submit an event to this calendar.

Calendar of Events

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1 event,

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1 event,

Hybrid Hybrid Event

Well-being and mental health skills are human rights & of monumental importance to scientific excellence

0 events,

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0 events,

1 event,

Hackathon on Web and Cloud Infrastructure for AI-Powered BioImage Analysis

3 events,

Hybrid Hybrid Event

Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation and SciLifeLab Proof of Concept Grant in Life Science (lunch seminar)

Virtual Event Virtual Event

FAIRPoints Ask Me Anything on Machine actionability – Online

0 events,

0 events,

1 event,


The first protein sweetener fit for the mass food market

1 event,

0 events,

0 events,

1 event,


steinbock: a toolkit for processing multiplexed tissue images

0 events,

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0 events,

0 events,

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2 events,


Call for new drug discovery pilot projects at SciLifeLab DDD with special emphasis on biologics and antibiotics

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Nya verktyg för att säkra biologisk mångfald i en föränderlig värld – vilken väg ska Sverige välja?

2 events,


Bättre sjukvård och forskning tack vare Europasatsning på säker storskalig lösning för genomikdata

Virtual Event Hybrid Event

Hur ska Sverige hänga med i den snabba globala utvecklingen inom precisionsmedicin?

1 event,

Virtual Event Hybrid Event

Pandemisk laboratorieberedskap – vad hände, vad gör vi och vad behöver vi göra till nästa gång

0 events,

0 events,

Last updated: 2024-08-29

Content Responsible: Erika Erkstam(