Practical intro to GPU programming in Python and Julia

February 2, 2024, 10:00 – 11:00
Event Tags:


SciLifeLab Data Centre


Online event via Zoom

Practical intro to GPU programming in Python and Julia

Virtual Event Virtual Event

February 2 @ 10:00 11:00 CET

This event is part of the Tools for AI/ML research in life sciences event series arranged by the SciLifeLab Data Centre. This webinar is organized in collaboration with the EuroHPC National Competence Centre Sweden (ENCCS) as well as the National Supercomputer Centre, LiU.

Title: Practical intro to GPU programming in Python & Julia

Speaker: Yonglei Wang, PhD, Research Software Engineer and HPC application expert, ENCCS

Where and when: February 2, 2024 at 10:00-11:00 Stockholm time, online. Registration is open till February 2 at 9:00.

Abstract: Availability of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) has transformed the way we work with machine learning and data science challenges in life sciences. The parallel processing capabilities of GPUs have allowed training of ever more complex models, allowing researchers to analyze large biological datasets with unprecedented efficiency. However, in order to make use of the potential that GPUs offer we need be able to write fitting machine learning model code and analysis pipelines. In this webinar ENCCS will present some practical tips about what to keep in mind and how to optimize your code when running analyses on GPU hardware. This webinar will be most useful to researchers who already work with large datasets and would like to improve their understanding of how to work with GPUs. At the end, the participants will also be given an overview of online materials and in-person courses where researchers can learn about this topic in depth.

More about the event series:

Tools for AI/ML research in life sciences is an event series by the SciLifeLab Data Centre aimed at life science researchers who use machine learning methods in their work. The goal of the events in this series is to provide introductions to different tools for ML research but also to foster discussions around our practices and how they can be improved. The events takes place virtually (over Zoom) and are open to researchers in Sweden and beyond. Each event is scheduled for 60 minutes, consisting of a talk and an extended discussion. Follow the page of the event series to learn about future seminars.

For questions about the events please contact the organizing team by emailing

Scientific lead: Prof. Ola Spjuth, SciLifeLab Data Centre and Uppsala University and DDLS

Contact information:

Last updated: 2024-01-22

Content Responsible: Arnold Kochari(