OligoNova Hub – National resource for development of oligonucleotide therapies
January 24 @ 12:00 – 13:00 CET
Pär Matsson
We will present OligoNova Hub and the capabilities we provide for academic researchers to transform their scientific discoveries into new oligonucleotide therapies.
SciLifeLab (www.scilifelab.se) is a national infrastructure within life science with a wide range of advanced technology and expertise. The newly started SciLifeLab site in Gothenburg includes units at both the University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology and has a strong connection to Sahlgrenska University Hospital. This seminar series is started with an overview of the site, followed by presentations by the individual units.
On-site location: Assembly Room “Birgit Thilander”, Medicinaregatan 3
A light lunch will be offered during the talks.
It is also possible to participate online via Zoom. The link will be sent out after registration.