Apply now for bioinformatics long-term support

Bioinformatics Long-term support (WABI) offers a senior bioinformatician to work in your project for up to 500 hours. The support is fully subsidized and free of charge, but extensive hands-on involvement is required by the applying research groups. To apply for support, you need to submit a small application about your project. More information along with the application form is found at the online submission. Projects are selected based on their scientific quality. The deadline for the next round of applications to be reviewed by the national evaluation committee is FRIDAY OCTOBER 5, 2018 (24:00). 

1. The applications should be complemented with a Data Sheet, so that power, replicates, matching of samples and potential batch effects can be properly evaluated.
2. The involvement in the data analysis is explicitly stated, so that at least 50 % working time devoted to data analysis over 12 months by a scientist in the group of the applicant (or co-applicant) is required for support.

Applications are welcome for projects:

  • Anywhere in Sweden
  • Any type of NGS application as well as other large-scale omics
  • Any bioinformatics skills

Current and past projects are found here.

The decision on what projects get support in this call will be taken within two months from the application deadline. Typically, about 5-10 projects are granted support in each application round. In addition to the regular projects, we also aim to grant support to an additional 1-3 projects with a clear focus on data integration, which can be subject to more extensive method development support. Beside scientific merits, these projects preferably combine multiple omics technologies and include methodological challenges of general interest.

For further questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the Bioinformatics Long-term Support directly at bioinformatics_wabi@localhost. Also note that the NBIS platform provides bioinformatics support in several different tracks as outlined here:

The National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden constitutes the bioinformatics platform at SciLifeLab. NBIS is a distributed national research infrastructure providing state-of-the-art bioinformatics competence, infrastructure, and training to the Swedish life science research community. NBIS is also the Swedish contact point to the European infrastructure for biological information (ELIXIR).


Last updated: 2018-09-19

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