Wallenberg funding to excellent SciLifeLab-research

Two projects led by researchers at SciLifeLab have received funding from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg foundation. Researchers at SciLifeLab also participate in several other projects that received grants from the foundation.

The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation has granted a total sum of SEK 810 million to 24 Swedish research projects that could lead to new scientific breakthroughs. Two of these are led by researchers at SciLifeLab:

Professor Gunnar von Heijne at Stockholm University/SciLifeLab received SEK 31 000 000 for a five-year project called ”Single-particle cryo-EM studies of membrane protein biogenesis and structure”.

Read press release (in Swedish) 

Gunnar von Heijne_porträtt2
Gunnar von Heijne


Professor Thomas Helleday at Karolinska Institutet/SciLifeLab was granted SEK 21 330 000 in continuation grant for the project ”Novel cancer targets within nucleotide metabolism”.

Read more about the project

Read press release (in Swedish)

Thomas Helleday
Thomas Helleday


In addition, researchers active at SciLifeLab take part in several other projects funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg foundation.

Read press release 





Last updated: 2020-05-15

Content Responsible: Scilifelab Administration()