SciLifeLab Theodor (The) Svedberg seminar series

The SciLifeLab The Svedberg seminar series is running every other week in the Biomedical Center in Uppsala.  The seminar series’ history dates back to the middle of the 70’s. A local committee invites leading scientist from Sweden and worldwide to hold research seminars within the field of bioscience.

The SciLifeLab The Svedberg Seminar series is also a research course for graduate students. By attending 10 seminars, a PhD student may be awarded 0,5 higher education credit. More information about how to attend the course can be found at the course website.

The schedule below will be updated continously

Committee Members

  • Jan Komorowski (chair)
  • Marcel den Hoed
  • Olof Idevall
  • Maliheh Mehrshad
  • Daniel Globisch
  • Aaron Vogan
  • Anton Sabantcev
  • Mette Lillie

For questions, contact

Schedule, spring 2024

Time and venue
These events can also be found via our Events calendar.

Monday, January 22, at 15:15 in BMC, Trippelrummet

Prof. Karolin Luger
University of Colorado, USA
Titel: Nucleosomes for all: histone-based chromatin in noneukaryotic organisms
Host: Sebastian Deindl, UU
Read more:

Monday, January 29, 15:15 in BMC C8:301

Assistant Prof. Alex Cagan

University of Cambridge, UK
Titel: The Impossibility of Whales: somatic evolution across the tree of life
Host: Matthew Webster, UU
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Monday, February 26, at 15:15 in BMC

DDLS fellow Assistant Prof Tobias Andermann

Uppsala Universitet, Sweden
Title: Spatial biodiversity modeling with remote sensing and AI
Host: Joëlle Rüegg, UU
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Monday, April 8, at 15:15 in BMC

Prof. Susanne Gabrielsson
Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Title: Extracellular vesicles in cancer therapy-role of checkpoint

Host: Masood Kamali-Moghaddam, UU
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Monday, May 6, at 15:15 in BMC

Associate Prof Benjamin Voigt
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Title: Genetics of Type 2 Diabetes: Advances, Prospects, and Challenges
Host: Marcel den Hoed, UU

Monday, May 20, at 15:15 in BMC

Prof.Tal Dagan
Institute of general microbiology, Kiel University, Germany
Title: Multilevel drift and selection in the evolution of prokaryotic plasmids
Host: Helen Wang, UU and Maliheh Mehrshad, SLU

Wednesday, May 22 at 15:15 BMC Extra Seminar

Prof.John Lis
Cornell CALS, USA
Title:Mechanisms of Transcriptional Regulation of Drosophila & Mammalian Genomes
Host: Anniina Vihervaara, KTH

Monday May 27 at 15:15 in BMC

SciLifeLab fellow, Assistant prof. Wojciech Michno
Uppsala Universitet, Sweden
Title: Following spatial and temporal chemical changes in neurobiology
Host: Stina Syvänen, UU

Monday June 3 at 15:15 in BMC

Prof. James Prendergast
The University of Edinburgh, UK
Title: Combining artificial intelligence approaches and cellular screens to define functional regulatory variation in mammalian genomes
Host: Gabriella Lindgren, SLU and Jennifer Meadows, UU


Last updated: 2024-06-20

Content Responsible: Ulrika Wallenquist(