10 year’s anniversary for RIKEN-KI-SciLifeLab collaboration

Since 2014, RIKEN, KI, and SciLifeLab have celebrated a joint agreement providing opportunities for collaboration, exchange, and knowledge transfer. This year’s annual meeting – which alternates between Yokohama and Stockholm at Karolinska Institutet – gathered scientists to focus on recent advances within Data Driven Multi-omics Integration in Life Sciences.

SciLifeLab Director Jan Ellenberg, and Karolinska Institutets President Annika Östman Wernersson, welcomed participants to SciLifeLab Campus Solna and Karolinska Institutet.

“Life science is at a turning point in its history, driven by large amounts of quantitative molecular data moving from molecular inventories to map living systems in space and time”, said Jan Ellenberg. 

The 10th RIKEN-KI-SciLifeLab Symposium

The goals of this symposium are to identify common scientific interests, to identify complementary skills and technologies for collaborations and to encourage the exchange of Ph.D. students and postdocs between the two organizations. Under the agreement between Karolinska Institutet and RIKEN doctoral students can take part in a short-term exchange program.  

Carsten Daub, Associate Professor at Karolinska Institutet, and Scientific Director, SciLifeLab for Karolinska Institutet carried out research with Yoshihide Hayashizaki at RIKEN Yokohama, and later became team leader at RIKEN Omics Science Center, and was leading the Bioinformatics Core Facility at RIKEN OSC as Facility Director since 2008 to 2012. 

“Exchanging young researchers for short-term stays and as parts of doctoral courses makes this collaboration scientifically and also culturally exciting”, says Carsten Daub, Scientific Director, SciLifeLab, Karolinska Institutet.

Further information about the symposium is available here >>


Last updated: 2024-10-01

Content Responsible: victor kuismin(