PLP retreat 2024

August 29 August 30


Pandemic Laboratory Preparedness at SciLifeLab


Aronsborg Konferenshotell
Helgövägen 7
Bålsta, 746 30
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PLP retreat 2024

August 29, 2024 @ 11:00 August 30, 2024 @ 13:45 CEST

The SciLifeLab Pandemic Laboratory Preparedness (PLP) program, started in 2021, acts to meet society’s need for efficient use of resources, training and education, to propagate skills and setting up technologies and equipment to be better equipped for new pandemics.

The PLP-retreat aims at strengthening the PLP network as well as an opportunity to highlight and discuss how the PLP program can evolve and be sustainable in the future.

With a poster session and focused group discussions on the key questions for pandemic preparedness, we believe this will be a highly rewarding event for the participants, and will spur many new ideas on how pandemic preparedness can be structured in the future.   

For PLP members and collaborators only

Day 1

11:00 Bus departure from Uppsala
11:00 Bus departure from 1) Stockholm City and 2) SciLifeLab Solna
11:00 Bus departure from Arlanda

11:45 Lunch

12:30 Plenary Session 1 – chairJessica Alm
12:30 Welcome and Introduction  – Jessica Alm
12:40 Staffan Svärd, UU – SciLifeLab PLP capability
13:00 Sara Byfors, FoHM – Effect of the testing (TBC)

13:20 Break (30 min)

13:50 Helena Hervius Askling, KI – Impementation of vaccination
14:10 Mattias Öberg, KI “Preparedness for human biomonitoring – a toxicologists view”
14:30 Panel discussion – Char – Ulf Ribacke   Helena Hervius Askling, KI

15:00 Break 

15:30 Flash talks (Peter Nilsson moderator
16:40 Wrap-up for the day and poster hanging – Jessica Alm
16:45 Free time and check-in
18:00 Mingle and Poster Session
19:00 Dinner – Staffan conferensiär
21:00 After dinner Bar and Mingle   

DAY 2- Friday August 30, 2024

09:00 Plenary Presentations, chair Staffan Svärd
09:00 Bill Hanage, Harvard, preparedness for threats that by their very nature, cannot be fully known in advance (25 +5)
09:30 Thomas Peacock (UK) -tracking and molecular epidemiology of Sars COV-2 or avian influenza (25 +5)

10:00 Short Break (15min)

10:15 Kristian Riesbeck. LU, Latest research about the multidrug-resistant bacterial infections in war victims in Ukraine (25 +5)
10:45 Instructions for Group discussion – Staffan (5min)
10:50 Coffee break 20min
11:10 Group discussions (55 min) focus on plans forward and how to interact in the network
12:10 Summary in plenary 1-2 min per group – Moderator Staffan Svärd
12:30 Wrap up
12:40 Lunch + take down posters
12:40 Buss transfer with Lunch-to-go to Arlanda
13:45 Buss transfer – Stockholm and Uppsala 

The program has been developed by the Scientific committee: Staffan Svärd, PLP Scientific lead, UU; Ulf Ribacke, PLP Scientific co-lead KI and UU;  Jessica Alm, KI;  Peter Nilsson, KTH; Daniel Sheward, KI.


Helgövägen 7
Bålsta, 746 30
View Venue Website

Last updated: 2024-07-12

Content Responsible: Alice Sollazzo(