Biophysical investigations of molecular recognition in high-throughput
March 19 @ 15:00 – 16:00 CET
Spotlight Seminar series presents Emil Marklund, SciLifeLab Fellow at Stockholm University
Emil Marklund is an Assistant Professor and SciLifeLab fellow at the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics at Stockholm University. During his PhD he studied protein – DNA target search, working with Johan Elf and Sebastian Deindl at Uppsala University. Next, he did a Postdoc in the Greenleaf lab at Stanford University, studying protein – DNA binding in high-throughput. He recently started his independent lab at SciLifeLab and Stockholm University, where his team combines state of the art high-throughput measurements of molecular binding with simulations and quantitative modeling, to investigate how biological macromolecules can manage to interact with each other with high specificity, and how sequence information determines macromolecular structure and function.
Host: Christos Samakovlis,