SciLifeLab Day Umeå: A day of knowledge exchange and community celebration

11 september 2023, Umeå, the day began with in-depth presentations about Umeå’s pioneering research and state-of-the-art infrastructure, culminated in a ceremonious inauguration by SciLifeLab director Olli Kallioniemi and Umeå site director Linda Sandblad. As the talks transitioned from academia to industry insights, the evening’s crescendo was marked by the exhilarating performance of Nordcirkus.

The event started with Umeå University-specific talks and introduced the research and infrastructure available on the site, including a tour of the facilities.

Site Umeå offers access to seven specialized service platforms:

• Genomics

• Metabolomics

• Imaging and Molecular structure

• Chemical biology

• Drug discovery

• Diagnostics

• Bioinformatics

In the early afternoon, it was time for the official inauguration. SciLifeLab director Olli Kallioniemi handed over a SciLifeLab sign to Umeå site director Linda Sandblad (see article picture), with Umeå officially becoming a SciLifeLab national site.

The day then continued with inspiring talks from both researchers and industry, including a presentation about biotechnology used in a forestry industry context.

Later in the evening, a scintillating performance could be witnessed when Nordcirkus performed in front of an excited crowd.


Last updated: 2023-09-15

Content Responsible: victor kuismin(