Chalmers Mass Spectrometry Infrastructure

National Unit


Otto Savolainen

otto.savolainen@chalmers.seKemihuset 4, Floor 9

General Inquiries

Recent user publications

The publications in this database are the result of research conducted at the units of SciLifeLab – both in user projects and technology development.


Otto Savolainen, Head of Division, Infrastructures, Life Sciences,

Carl Brunius, Associate Professor, Food and Nutrition Science, Life Sciences,

Julia Karlsson, Funktionsansvarig, Infrastructures, Life Sciences,

Marina Armeni, Research Engineer, Infrastructures, Life Sciences,

Anton Ribbensetdt, Senior Research Engineer, Infrastructures, Life Sciences,

Chalmers Mass Spectrometry Infrastructure

The Chalmers Mass Spectrometry Infrastructure (CMSI) is a Chalmers infrastructure with the goal of providing cutting edge and efficient quantitative mass spectrometry and structural identification analyses for researchers at Chalmers and beyond.

The infrastructure will provide a combination of service analyses and supported analyses for training students in analytical mass spectrometry. Beyond providing analyses, the CMSI will also develop new methods based on new and novel concepts within analytical chemistry to ensure that researchers have access to the best possible solutions for their research projects.


Metabolomics services at CMSI include both standard untargeted profiling using both UHPLC-QTOF and GC-MS instruments. In addition, we offer a combined untargeted and targeted metabolomics method that both collects untargeted scanning data as well as targeted data on a set of metabolites, including potential biomarkers of food intake (see reference below). In general, untargeted metabolomics is used for biomarker discovery and, thus, results are expressed in relative responses rather than in absolute concentrations. For identification metabolites, we use both in-house and commercial libraries and continuously work to improve our libraries, but due to the nature of the analysis, the majority of potential metabolites still remain unknown. For work focusing on mechanisms rather than biomarker discovery, using GC-MS or GC-MS/MS may be a good alternative, as many metabolites centred around known biochemical pathways are detected and identified.Instrument used for this service: Agilent QTOF 6550 with Infinity II UHPLC and Shimadzu TQ8030 GC-MS/MS.


Lipidomics services at CMSI include both lipid class separation and quantification using HPLC-CAD and lipidomics profiling using a UHPLC-QTOF system. Lipidomics profiling offers the detection of an array of different lipids with relative quantification by using class specific internal standards and calibration curves for the different lipid classes. Thus, the reported data is semi-quantitative. Chalmers is part of the national BioMS VR-infrastructure, and can provide analyses supported by this infrastructure.

Instrument used for this service: Agilent QTOF 6520 with Infinity UHPLC.

Fatty acids

Fatty acid analysis is one of the standard analyses at CMSI. Samples are analysed either by using a GC-MS or a GC-FID, depending on the purpose and required throughput of the analysis.

Instrument used for this service: Thermo GC-MS or GC-FID.

Organic acids

Organic acid and sugar analysis in fermentation samples

Standard measurement of organic acids and sugars for yeast fermentation control purposes.

Instrument used for this service: Dionex HPLC-UV-RI.


Alkylresorcinols are biomarkers of whole grain intake. The CMSI offers a quantitative, high throughput method for measuring the standard, odd-chained, alkylresocinols including C17, C19, C21, C23 and C25, as well as the recently discovered even-chained homologues C18, C20, C22 and C24. Alkylresorcinols in food can also be analysed using either HPLC-FLD or GC-MS for difficult matrices.

Instrument used for this service: Sciex QTRAP 6500+ with Exion UHPLC.

Amino acids

Amino acid analysis includes both free and total amino acids. The service is quantitative and includes both essential amino acids and amino acid related molecules. The method is able to separate 1- and 3-methylhistidine and leucine, isoleucine as well as allo-isoleucine (requested separately) from each other

Instrument used for this service: Sciex QTRAP 6500+ with Exion UHPLC.


There are currently two mass determination services offered at CMSI:

  1. Low-resolution mass spectrometry (LRMS)
  2. High-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS)

The LRMS service is primarily designed for synthetic chemists and for other researchers who want to find out the mass of products or intermediates for providing information on their reaction or purity of their isolated molecule. Available ion sources: electrospray (ESI) and atmospheric chemical ionization (APCI). The normal service includes training on the LC-MS instrument and providing analytical support for the user to run their own samples.

The HRMS service is primarily designed for analysis of pure samples to acquire accurate mass. Available ion sources: electrospray (ESI) and atmospheric chemical ionization (APCI). The normal service includes running the samples without a column. You will get a brief report with the detected accurate mass, the ppm error, and a mass spectrum chromatogram of the detected compound.

Instrument used for this service: Agilent 6120 SQ MS and Agilent 6520 QTOF.

Method development

CMSI is always open for method development projects and, in addition to being great fun, this is one of the core competences of our infrastructure. CMSI is specialized in measurement of small molecules using different hyphenated mass spectroscopic techniques and has an impressive collection of instruments for this purpose. Thus, by collaborating with CMSI in method development users get access to both well maintained, high-end instruments and to the knowledge inbuild into the infrastructure

Interested? Just send an email to with a description on what you want to measure!

QTOF 6550

Agilent QTOF 6550 with Infinity II UHPLC (2 systems)

  • A high-resolution and sensitivity QTOF instrument
  • Dedicated tune for small and fragile molecules
  • Used mainly for untargeted metabolomics profiling of bodily fluids aiming at biomarker discovery

QTOF 6520

Agilent QTOF 6520 with Infinity UHPLC

  • A bench-top high-resolution QTOF
  • Used for lipidomics, untargeted metabolomics profiling of faecal samples, accurate mass determination as well as for various of user projects

QTRAP 6500+

Sciex QTRAP 6500+ with Exion UHPLC (2 systems)

  • A high-end hybrid triple quadrupole ion trap instrument
  • Used for quantitative bioanalytical work

SQ 6120

Agilent 6120 SQ MS with 1260 HPLC

  • A robust single quadrupole MS with HPLC
  • Open access instrument set to run mass determination with different methods
  • Used mainly for mass determination


Shimadzu TQ8030 GC-MS/MS

  • Fast scanning triple quadrupole GC system with a PAL autosampler
  • Used for combined targeted and untargeted metabolomics as well as for various of user projects


Thermo GC-MS systems (DSQ II, ISQ and ISQ-LT)

  • We currently have three Thermo GC-MS systems, DSQ II, ISQ and ISQ-LT, available, all quipped with PAL
  • autosamplers
    Solid phase microextraction (SPME) possibility is available on one system
  • Used mainly for quantitative bioanalytical work using various of user based methods


Thermo GC-FID (2 systems)

  • One system using helium as carrier gas and another using hydrogen
  • Used mainly for quantitative bioanalytical work using various of user based methods


Dionex HPLC-UV-RI (2 systems)

  • Liquid chromatography systems with UV and RI detectors
  • Used for quantification of organic acids, alcohols and sugars from fermentation samples


  • Dionex UHPLC with both fluorescence and PDA detection
  • Used mainly for quantitative bioanalytical work using various of user based methods


  • A liquid chromatography system with charged aerosol detection (CAD)
  • Used mainly for measurement of lipid classes

How to book the instruments?

Lab Archives Scheduler is used as a booking platform for the instruments at CMSI. Access to Scheduler will be given by CMSI after attending relevant introductions and trainings. To request for a training or for more information, you can contact CMSI by sending an email to

Last updated: 2024-06-18

Content Responsible: David Gotthold(