Juliette Griffié

DDLS Fellow, Stockholm University

Key publications

J. Griffié*, C. Zhang*, S. Manley et al.
Generative models to extract dynamic information from static images (in preparation).

D. Mahecic, W.L. Stepp, C. Zhang, J. Griffié, M. Weigert, S. Manley.
Event-driven acquisition for content-enriched microscopy.
Nature Methods 2022.

S. Simoncelli, J. Griffié, D.J. Williamson, J. Bibby, C. Bray, R. Zamoyska, A.P. Cope, D.M. Owen.
Multi-color Molecular Visualization of Signaling Proteins Reveals How C-Terminal Src Kinase Nanoclusters Regulate T Cell Receptor Activation.
Cell Reports 2020.

J. Griffié, R. Peters, D.M. Owen.
An agent-based model of molecular aggregation at the cell membrane.
Plos one 2020

J. Griffié, G. Burn, D.J. Williamson, R. Peters, P. Rubin-Delanchy, D.M. Owen.
Dynamic Bayesian Cluster Analysis of Live-Cell SMLM Datasets.
SMALL Methods 2018.

J. Griffié, M. Shannon, C.L. Bromley, L. Boelen, G.L. Burn, D.J. Williamson, N. Heard, A.P. Cope, D.M. Owen, P. Rubin-Delanchy.
Bayesian cluster analysis of single molecule localisation microscopy data.
Nature Protocols 2016.

Research Interests

The Computational Microscopy for Cell Biology (CMCB) laboratory is a multidisciplinary team developing cutting-edge image analysis strategies to answer fundamental biology questions with advanced light microscopy. The lab’s research scope ranges from studying cells at the molecular level, developing machine learning tools to extract meaningful information from images as well as modelling. The lab has a particular interest in immunology, both in terms of understanding auto immune diseases and immune cells’ interactions.

Post docs & PhD students: the CMCB lab has fully funded job opportunities available (PhD students & Post docs) over a wide range of projects. Whether you are a cell biologist or a data analysis enthusiast from physics, computer science or engineering background, if you have a deep interest in using imaging to better understand immune cells, get in touch!

Last updated: 2024-07-03

Content Responsible: David Gotthold(david.gotthold@scilifelab.se)