
SciLifeLab is a national resource of unique technologies and expertise available to life scientists, closely intertwined with our community of researchers in areas such as biomedicine, ecology and evolution. We bring scientists together across traditional boundaries and foster collaborations with industry, health care, public research organizations and international partners.

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Our infrastructure

At SciLifeLab, we provide access to a range of pioneering technologies in molecular biosciences. Together, our units enable the scientific endeavors of users from academia, industry and health care. Dedicated staff scientists can offer you support throughout the experimental process – from study design to data handling. Regardless of your particular field of work, you are welcome to seek support from our infrastructure.

Most of our technologies are agnostic to applications, meaning they can be used to adress questions in a range of life science disciplines, e.g. precision medicine, ecosystem surveillance and evolutionary biology.

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Infrastructure units

Science & SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists

The Science & SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists is a global prize, established in 2013, aimed at rewarding scientists at an early stage of their careers. Science/AAAS and SciLifeLab, a coordinated effort of four universities, have joined forces in creating the Science & SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists to recognize excellence amongst young researchers from around the world.

Research at SciLifeLab

At SciLifeLab, no research group is an island. We live by collaboration and gather scientists in a broad range of molecular bioscience research, from health to environmental research, in order to facilitate multidisciplinary studies and networking.

A number of research constellations and initiatives makes up our scientific community, such as the more than 200 affiliated academic research groups, the SciLifeLab Fellows program, Data-driven life science, and a national research program targeting Covid-19.

There’s a truly symbiotic relationship existing with our infrastructure. Our units provide access to the latest biomolecular technologies and expertise to bring research projects to the next level, whilst researchers using our services can team up with our dedicated staff scientists to propel technology development and really push the limit of what is possible in life science.

Upcoming events

Workshop for Cryo-electron Tomography

Location: UCEM facility (EM-building) and Chemical Biological Centre (KBC) building, Umeå University, Linnaeus väg 6, Umeå Deadline for registration: 13 January 2025 Cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) is a powerful structural technique. Its […]

KBC Building Umeå Linneaus Väg 6, Umeå

PULSE Challenge: Selection and screening of antibody based drugs

This presentation will provide an overview of the selection and screening processes, as well as future challenges for antibody-based drugs. It will be exemplified with data from one of Alligator Bioscience’s bispecific antibody drug candidates, ATOR-4066.

Drug Discovery and Development Platform (DDD)
Online event via Zoom

Advancing biomarker discovery with innovative omics technologies

Takara Bio Europe, in collaboration with Clinical Genomics Gothenburg, invites you to explore their latest NGS technologies, enjoy insightful talks from guest speakers, and discover how their innovations are driving cutting-edge research! Agenda and speakers […]

Birgit Thilander Lecture Hall Medicinaregatan 3, Göteborg
Hybrid Hybrid Event

Last updated: 2024-12-02

Content Responsible: Anna Frejd(